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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tamil Nadu Government to introduce a new ambulance "109"

Move freely across the dead body, "109" Government to introduce a new ambulance, a plan of action has been taken. All throughout, the DMK, in the reign, in the name of the project life-saving service is great, "108" plan was introduced in ambulances . Accidents, heart attacks, childbirth, including a life-saving all the help, "108, the telephone number was introduced. Scheme for, sophisticated first aid tools, more than 400 ambulances were purchased. The district area, each, 10 more than a dozen ambulances were." 108 in the works, and staff dedication, the The project is placed alone in the minds of people. Not only in urban areas, rural areas, "108" ambulance program has been operating successfully. Currently, the state hospital in the ambulance, "108" link in the government is taking action. Cikikcai needing urgent, "108" ambulance run, as they carry the body of the deceased in hospitals, ambulances operating free of government action has been taken. Ventuvor for the help, "109" Government is planning to introduce a free telephone number.



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